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bio | linkedin


Hi! My name is Chaymae, I'm a Software Engineer with a particular passion for backend. I am a Rubyist at heart, and I’ve recently developed an interest in Rust.

Here are some fun facts about me :



  • Zendesk - Copenhagen
    • Software Engineer
      Apr 2021 - Mar 2023

      Zendesk is the champion of customer service solutions. It powers billions of conversations, connecting brands with customers over telephony, chat, email, messaging, social channels, ... etc.

      I've been a member of the core ruby team, working on core products. I also worked a lot with other teams, making sure we are not having redundant services across teams. I took part in DB Sharding solutions. Using a mix of ULIDs and Znowflake for ID generation depending on the usecase. I also enjoyed organizing fun Friday games for the team.

  • KarnovGroup - Copenhagen
    • Software Engineer
      Feb 2020 - Mar 2021

      Karnov provides tools for lawyers to make faster and better decisions. They also have a huge selection of books.

      Digitalising law book is challenging. I took part in big room plannings with product managers and product owners. I have been involved in developing a new CMS system, also improving the existing system.

  • CargoFlux - Copenhagen
    • Fullstack developer
      Oct 2018 - Jan 2020

      CargoFlux is a plateform where users can keep track of their shipments. It provides a unified API that adapt third party legacy systems to an agnostic JSON API system. One of the challenges I came across was to design and build an EDIFACT parser to communicate data via FTP servers with certain shipping carriers. And to implement integrations with different shipping carriers (e.g: DHL, GLS ...).

  • MonMecanicien - Paris
    • Fullstack Web and Mobile Developer intern
      Mar 2018 - Sep 2018

      MonMecanicien is a platform where users can get an invoice for car repair and book appointments with trusted mechanics. In there I worked directly with the CTO. I was in charge of developing full features from backend to frontend as in the specifications, also built the entire mobile app for mechanics using React native.
